What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

SERVPRO has handled several large losses for our company. In each case, they have provided outstanding service and communication throughout the process. They are highly recommended.

SERPVRO did a great job at responding in our time of need. I would absolutely recommend them to anyone that experiences water damage. 

Ten's across the board. SERVPRO, specifically Matthew, did a great job. 

I want to commend SERVPRO of Moorpark/Santa Paula/Fillmore on their excellent service and attention to detail when they cleaned our animal enclosures. There was an explosion next door and we were unable to access our building for days. SERVPRO decontaminated all areas of our building. They really showed a great concern for us and our animals.

We experienced a large water intrusion at our facility in Moorpark and SERVPRO responded quickly to minimize any further damage to our building and equipment. They were great to work with and did a fantastic job of getting us back to normal operation. Great work. 

SERVPRO responded quickly to our store when we experience a large water loss. They arrived quickly, implemented a plan to remove all of the standing water, and began drying immediately. SERVPRO was professional and knowledgeable and I would recommend them to friends and family.  

Thank goodness for SERVPRO!  My family owns a commercial building in Moorpark with multiple tenants and when we experienced water damage, SERVPRO was on site immediately.  They did a great job of working with our tenants, insurance company and property manager.  They removed all standing water from the units, set up drying machines to dry everything out, and enabled us to move forward with the repairs to our building.  A great experience under the circumstances.